There are lots of device which are attached with computer some of the input device & some output device.The connection process or install any device with computer in two ways. Some parts or device connect through usb port & some part directly install with motherboard.Following the Major parts of a personalcomputer.
Motherboard:-– The motherboard is main circuit board of a computer all components are installed or connect with motherboard. Like ram Hard disk, smps, processor, and many more. Motherboard is the flat circuit board, it’s also called PBA (printed board assembly) it’s also multi-layer PBA. The components are installed with motherboard through metal connecting pin.
Power supply:–smps or power supply source of the current the smps help to convert ac 220 volt to dc with different voltage as per the requirements of motherboard
CPU:–The CPU stands for center processing unit it’s the main part of computer. It is brain behind all personal computers. Following the type of cpu (Athlon, Intel, Intel Celeron, cyrix, Amd ,Intel Pentium series, Intel series ,
RAM:-RAM stand for random access memory where our computer collect the information in that time using this. Computer speed performance depends on the ram configuration.
Hard disk:–the hard disk help to store all type our customize data & we’re used the same when we need it’s also save the computer os program. The unit of calculation hard disk byte.
Internal buzzer: – it’s providing beep sound when powering on the computer it’s the sound indicate system about computer running status , you cannot paly song, music and any other sound .
Cd drive :—cd drive is a device that enable us to read and information which saved into compact disk